Couple goes through uncontested divorce

A Guide to Uncontested Divorce in Fort Worth, Texas

What is Uncontested Divorce?

I’ve seen countless couples navigate the often-complex waters of divorce. While some situations require extensive litigation and contested proceedings, many others find peace and resolution through the uncontested route.

Let’s look specifically at uncontested divorces in Fort Worth, TX. We’ll explore their intricacies and demystify the process for any couples seeking an amicable separation.

An uncontested divorce occurs when both spouses agree on all terms of their separation, including property division, child custody and support (if applicable), and alimony. This agreement is then formalized in a court-approved document known as a Marital Settlement Agreement (Texas Family Code § 6.701).

Requirements for Uncontested Divorce in Texas

To qualify for an uncontested divorce in Texas, you must meet the following criteria:

● You and your spouse have resided in Texas for at least six months immediately preceding the filing of the petition: Texas Family Code § 6.201(a)(1).

● You and your spouse have been married at least 60 days: Texas Family Code § 6.201(a)(2).

● You have no minor children together: Texas Family Code § 6.201(a)(3).

● You and your spouse have a signed Marital Settlement Agreement outlining all aspects of your separation, as mentioned above: Texas Family Code § 6.701.

When One Party Contests

While uncontested divorces are often swift and less emotionally taxing, sometimes, one partner may disagree with the terms of the separation. In such situations, the uncontested process cannot proceed.

Scenario 1: One Party Wants to Reconcile

If your spouse expresses a desire to reconcile, you can choose to withdraw the petition for divorce. Alternatively, you can agree to temporary cohabitation and a period of counseling. If reconciliation efforts fail, you can refile for divorce at a later date.

Scenario 2: Disputes Regarding Property Division or Spousal Support

Should disagreements arise regarding property division or spousal support, you and your spouse have three major options:

Negotiation: You can engage in further negotiations with your spouse, aiming to reach a mutually agreeable solution.

Mediation: A neutral third-party mediator can facilitate communication and guide you towards a compromise.

Litigation: If negotiation and mediation fail, you may need to take the contested route, involving court hearings and legal representation.

Scenario 3: Disputes Regarding Child Custody or Support

If you have minor children and disagree on child custody or support arrangements, the court will prioritize the children’s best interests. You will need to provide detailed information about your family situation and financial stability. The court may order a custody evaluation or appoint an attorney ad litem to represent the children’s interests.

Uncontested Divorce Benefits

Less stress: Uncontested divorces are less adversarial, leading to a calmer and potentially more amicable process.

Faster resolution: By bypassing litigation, uncontested divorces can be finalized much quicker.

Lower costs: Avoiding contested court hearings translates to significant cost savings.

Greater control: You and your spouse have the power to decide on the terms of your separation, leading to a more personalized outcome.

Facing Divorce in Fort Worth, TX?

Uncontested divorce can be a viable option for couples seeking an amicable and efficient separation in Fort Worth, Texas. By understanding the process, its requirements, and potential challenges, you can make informed decisions and navigate the path toward a brighter future. Remember, seeking legal counsel from an experienced Fort Worth family lawyer can provide invaluable guidance and ensure your rights are protected throughout the process.

Nilsson Legal Group offers experienced and compassionate representation for divorce, child custody, spousal support, and more. We understand how sensitive these matters are and provide personalized guidance and support throughout the entire process. Your rights are invaluable and deserve the best support.

Contact NLG today for a free consultation.

Divorce Attorney in Fort Worth Spencer NilssonHello! I’m Spencer Nilsson, a passionate divorce attorney in Fort Worth, TX, dedicated to helping you navigate uncontested divorce. I believe in empowering you with information and transparency throughout your case, so you can make informed decisions.

In 2013, I founded Nilsson Legal Group, focusing solely on family law. Since then, our law firm has helped hundreds of Tarrant County clients achieve positive outcomes within the Fort Worth family court system. We understand the emotional and legal challenges families face, and we’re committed to providing compassionate and skilled representation. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Helpful Resources From this Article:
Texas Family Code:
State Bar of Texas:
Texas Law Help: